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Links de matérias

links to articles

Gramophone's "Top 10 Recent Beethoven Recordings"


Gramophone's "Top 10 Chopin Recordings"

(2017 update)

Capa da REVISTA CONCERTO (maio 2018)

Entrevista com João Luis Sampaio

Gramophone - "Editor's Choice" Prize


Boston Musical Intelligencer - critique

Solo Recital at Jordan Hall

"Le Courrier" - Interview

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La Liberté - News

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"The Art of Living" - Interview

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VEJA Tv - Entrevista

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24 Heures - News

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Claves Records

New Album - website

Volkskrant (Nederlands) - critique

Solo & Chamber music recital (Chirstian Poltera, Esther Hoppe, Jennifer Stumm & Rick Stotjin)

Clara Haskil Prize - News

Nec Portal – 2013

O Globo - Entrevista 1

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Boston Musical Intelligencer - critique

Rockport Music Festival

Revista Concerto - crítica

Concertos com OSESP 2017

Reportagem – Antena 1 [Observador]

Concerto no Ateneu de Bucareste – 2007

Harmonia TV - Interview

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O Globo - Entrevista 2

Concerto com OSB - Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro

El Pais - Review (Uruguai)

Concert with Montevideo Philarmonic Orchestra

El Norte (Mexico)

Critique - Solo Recitals

OSESP - Interview

Concerts with OSESP in 2017

ILUMINA Festival - Interview

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Notícia - Globo

Concerto com OSP e jamil Maluf

"" (Brazil) - crítica

Mozart concerto no.9

Reportagem – TV Cultura

Programa Prelúdio – 2007

Reportagem – Revista Concerto Online

Irineu Franco Perpétuo – 2013

Entrevista – TV Brasil

Programa "Sem Censura" 2014

Reportagem – Globo

Concerto com a ORSSE – 2008

Reportagem – Globo News

Concurso Nelson Freire – 2010

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Material para download

Press material to download

Diapason - "5-Diapason" Prize


Guia da Folha - Prêmio 2016

Prêmio "Melhor Concerto do Ano"

Folha de SP - Coluna Mônica Bérgamo (2016)

"Le Nouvelliste"

CULTUR front page

Le Temps - CD critique

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Jornal do Estado de São Paulo – Capa Caderno 2

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Folha de SP – Coluna Mônica Bérgamo (2014)

Revista Concerto – Entrevista

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